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who am i?

a question most of us never really ask ourselves, and while i truly didn’t want to make this website nor this chapter about me, i asked myself the question so i could make this section more about you getting to know me better, rather than me talking about myself.


i was born and raised by a german mother and an afghan father in hamburg, germany. both countries had their own history and labels during my upbringing and so it took me a long time to actually work through all those labels and be proud of the roots that are combined in me.


i went on to have, what people would call “great success in the model and fashion industry” but it never really made me feel better about myself. i continued to have toxic behavior patterns and self sabotaging habits because i still wasn’t able to see what was needed. 


i went through the excessive spending of money and the excessive partying to feel better, but nothing worked.


it all started to shift when i met my wonderful wife Vanessa. even though i was still far from being a healthy relationship partner, she had the patience and faith to work through those things with me.


i had finally found my motivation for change.


years of personal growth and development, rewiring of my brain, improving of my beliefs and identity, and finding my true values helped me to grow into the person i am today.


things became even clearer for me after my father came back, after his heart had stopped for a total of 13 minutes and he had spend 11 days in a coma.


the final and most important piece that gave me the exact clarity on what i was called to do on this planet was the birth of my wonderful son Konan.


i knew that the goal had always been to make this world a better place and i wanted to do that by helping people to find self-love, self-worth and an overall healthy relationship with themselves because love and appreciation are the root of everything meaningful.




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